John Farnworth is a Football Freestyler, Multiple World Record Holder and Video Creator. Whether it’s Juggling a Football up Mount Everest, playing Football Underwater or stopping you from scrolling on social media with a magical video edit John aims to capture your imagination in a positive way.
Working with some of the biggest brands and media companies in the world John utilises his unique abilities and online channels to inspire, amaze and engage.
John’s Work
Working with some of the biggest brands and media companies in the world John utilises his abilities as a football freestyler and video creator alongside his social media reach to make content that engages people in unique ways.
media kit
If you are interested in working with John on social media and video production you can download his media kit below…
“Disney Soccer found that working with John was a very positive experience. He is genuine, enthusiastic, passionate and very professional. John is truly dedicated to his art of freestyle, building relationship and touching the lives of children who enjoy football/soccer and freestyle””